ARCALINA, your best erotic massage center in Nantes
English spoken
To remove stress and tiredness, there is nothing better than an erotic or tantric massage done by some expert, soft and clever hands. Live a real relaxing and unique break and meet your own harmony. Far away from the noisy city, in a quiet and sophisticated atmosphere with the soft candle light offer to your body and your soul a wonderful and divinely resourcing experience.
According to your own desire and need, choose among our large range of erotic massages: SENSUEL (sensually), NATURISTE (naturist), BODY-BODY , INTEGRAL (full body) or TANTRIC.
With soft music and Niaouli scents (essential oil), lay down comfortably, according to your wishes, on the massage table or on the futon mat. Close your eyes and give way to the subtle magic touch of the sensual massage. Feel free to choose among our various range of sexy massages, the one who suits you best: SENSUEL, NATURISTE, BODY BODY or INTEGRAL.
Once settled in a quiet and pleasantly warmed room, imagine yourself nude, comfortably lying. Soft hands and sensual fingers touch upon your back and spread generously the hot oil perfumed on your complete body: shoulders, backs, loins, legs, feet, breast, arms, hands (yoni and lingam only in the complete massage). According to the soft and captivating caresses, all your muscles become deeply relaxed, tensions disappear and you feel great.
For obvious hygiene reasons, the shower is mandatory before the massage. The shower is also recommended after this one to eliminate any track of oil. Shower gel, shampoo and bath towels are available for your comfort. During the massage, essential oil and soft music encourage relaxation and help in release. For your well-being, soft and hot drinks are kindly offered.
NB: our massages are not associated to any technique of physiotherapy or medical one. They do not substitute or could not be considered as kinesitherapeutic massages (1st article of the decree n°96-879 of October 8th, 1996). The term massage is used here for a better understanding. However, the term closely to our activity is defined by the term « modelling ».